She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. -Proverbs 31:13

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Plum Purse with Upcycled Bling

This purse started out to be a gift for my mother, but I have another one in mind to make that she might like better. The next one will be somewhat more subdued. We shall see which one she chooses! Either one must have a cross body strap, interior pockets and a flat bottom.  
The felted decorations are pre felts from two beaded silk skirts from the Goodwill. The turquoise one my friend Sharon bought for my stash.

The trim on the top of the purse is an up cycled beaded silk belt from J Crew. The bits of green are hand spun merino and bamboo yarn cut into short lengths. It only took a few minutes to card the fiber to blend and to spin on the drop spindle.

The wool color of the main part is called plum. It is merino from Ashford. It might be called plum, but it really is a rich purple-brown. The strap is the cross body leather strap from a Brahmin purse. The strap was never used, as the original purse has carry handles, too. 


  1. can't wait to see the next one and discover which your Mum chooses.

  2. Me too!!! The next one is laid out but not yet felted.

  3. Cute stuff!! I'm now following you and would love you to visit and say hi :)

  4. Susan, I stopped by your blog and love your shop! If it were only in Texas...

  5. Witam. Elizabeth dziękuję za to, że zauważyłaś mój wpis. A ja dzięki temu trafiłam na Twojego bloga. Robisz naprawdę fajne super rzeczy. Zapraszam Cię również na moją strone na Pozdrawiam z Polski
